ZKTeco – Leading Suppliers of Smart Security Solutions and Systems

ZKTeco is one of the top global enterprises that provides innovative and premier quality security solutions to corporations and facilities based all across the world. We take pride in our extensive clientele that comprises of more than 500 international and multinational corporations based in over 100 different countries, and unparalleled experience of many years in the field.


The evolution of smart cities is, in many ways, directly tied to the evolution of MIFARE, NXP’s leading brand for contactless solutions. Our MIFARE IC and cloud products support public transport, hospitality, loyalty and micropayment installations worldwide.
These secure, scalable and flexible products support multiple form factors, from smart cards and tickets to mobiles and wearables.

The Value of Genuine MIFARE Products
Discover the benefits of using genuine MIFARE IC products that provide high level of security, interoperability, stability and reliability.
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Based on open global standards for both RF interface and cryptographic methods, our MIFARE DESFire product family provides highly secure microcontroller-based ICs. Its name DESFire references the use of DES, 2K3DES, 3K3DES and AES hardware cryptographic engines for securing transmission data.

This family is ideally suited for solution developers and system operators building reliable, interoperable and scalable contactless solutions. MIFARE DESFire products can be seamlessly integrated into mobile schemes and support multi-application smart card solutions in identity, access control, loyalty and micropayment applications, as well as in transport ticketing installations.

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The MIFARE Plus product family adds security to Smart City services by enabling a seamless migration of contactless infrastructures to higher security, and its backward compatibility allows for a cost-efficient way to upgrade the security level of in-place smart card applications. Special features, such as support for mobile and over-the-air top-ups, make Smart City services even more convenient to use.

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MIFARE® Ultralight®

MIFARE Ultralight-based tickets offer a fitting solution for low-cost, high-volume applications such as public transport, loyalty cards and event ticketing. They are a suitable contactless replacement for magnetic stripe, barcode or OR-code systems. The introduction of the contactless MIFARE Ultralight ICs for limited-use applications can lead to reduced system installation and maintenance costs.

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MIFARE Classic®

MIFARE Classic ICs started a revolution in the contactless smart card business back in 1994. Today, they’re still used in a variety of applications worldwide. The MIFARE Classic EV1 represents the highest evolution of the product family and succeeds in all previous versions. These solutions provide excellent ESD robustness for easy handling of the IC during inlay and card manufacturing and highly efficient RF performance for optimized transactions—allowing for more flexible antenna designs.

For security-relevant applications, customers should refer to our MIFARE® DESFire® and MIFARE Plus® product families.

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Time Attendance Device


BioTime 8.5 Software
BioTime Mobile Application

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