
Key strengths
Robust, reliable build quality
High-quality 300dpi printing
Up to 180 color cards per hour
Multiple encoding options
Windows® and Mac compatible
Free software – CardExchange® Producer Lite edition
2 years warranty (subject to the use of chromXpert® ribbons)
Ideal for
Mid-range secure ID card issuance
Up to 10,000 cards per annum
ISEGA accredited for use with food products (Black and white monochrome ribbon)
Optional upgrades
Dual-sided printing
Magnetic stripe encoding
Contact encoding
Contactless encoding
Lamination – Inline module
Optional Upgrades
Dual-sided printing
Magnetic stripe encoding
Contact encoding
Contactless encoding
Lamination – Inline module

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

(9.30am - 6.30 pm)