Welcome to Odint India

About Us

Odint india is a leading provider of physical security and secure identification. We offer wide spectrum of emerging technologies to help our clients easily adapt to the complicated digital world. With our head-office at Mumbai, India, we started our journey in the year 2017.

Our Founder and Chairman, Mr. Bharat Panchal laid the beginning of our business.

Bharat Panchal

Bharat Panchal, the Founder and CEO of Odint Group since 2017, has also been serving as the CEO & Board of Directors at Maverick India since 2011.

Bharat has about 30 years of experience with multinationals, Indian and global market. Managing business and multiple divisions in MEP and construction industry as a Group General Manager is where his excellence lies.

Bharat currently serves on the Board of Directors of Odint Group, Industry leader in providing complete and intricate solutions for Digitalisation, ID issuance, Access Control and Biometrics Industry.

Welcome to Odint India

About Us

An Odint Group is a leading provider of physical security and secure identification. We offer wide spectrum of emerging technologies to help our clients easily to adapt the complicated digital world.

With our head-office at Mumbai, India, we started our journey in the year 2011, Our Founder and Chairman, Mr. Bharat Panchal laid the beginning of our business and established our lead ship company Maverick Convergence India Pvt. Ltd.

Business Management

We develop the relationships that under the next phase in your organisation.

Best Planner

We develop the relationships that under the next phase in your organisation.

We’re ready to share our advice and experience

Digital Signature Pads

Digital Signature Pads are used in various applications including the ability to capture signature for digital documents

Technology & Smart Cards

Technology & Smart cards provide ways to securely identify and authenticate the card holder & third parties needing access

Biometric & Access Control

Biometrics Access control solutions have traditionally been used to increase the security levels by creating layers of verification

ID Issuances

An Identity issuance is the delivery of identification and credentials that meet a full range of requirements from basic photo ID cards


We believe in best after sales service to build our relationship of mutual TRUST & KNOWLEDGE with the customers

As a solution provider we help our customers with complete solution in Identity & Access control and digitalisation services

Help Desk 

Our Achievements

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Like what you see? Contact us to see what type of solutions we can deploy for your business!

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    (9.30am - 6.30 pm)